Thursday, February 16, 2012

SHINee's Japanese Mobile Site Update



Everyone on the mobile fansite! Good day ♪

From the last time when I thought “It’s already February!”, in the blink of an eye half of it has already passed. Time really does fly. Well, that means that we’re living everyday to the fullest right!?

Here’s an item that you can carry if you’re going somewhere, for the women staff, they’re using it as a make-up pouch and tray.

I thought it wasn’t something for men like me, but, you can put business cards, etc, a tray for ballpoint pens or to put your change, or put your keys, use your imagination! (laugh)

“What kind of goods are these? I don’t understand…” Since you had questions like these I (decided to) introduce them to you. (Photos are from the staff blog and application for goods page.)"

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