Saturday, February 18, 2012

SHINee's Japanese Mobile Site update: Q&A Part 1

Check out SHINee's Japanese Mobile Site update: Q&A below! ^^

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☆ “I’m cool!”, is there a moment when you think something like this?
As a singer, when (I)’m on stage singing a song.

☆ In elementary school, what sort of student were you?
Good at sprinting (racing) and a noisy kid.

☆ If there’s a door to somewhere, where would you want to go?
I’d like a door from Korea to Japan.
Traveling by airplane is hard.

☆ Your solo songs are really good. How do you choose a song?
At what sort of time do you come up with lyrics?
Being sure to sing as many songs from (that) country.
As for lyrics, eating food or on the move, etc.
Being sure to think about it during everyday activities.
Because I think that’s how you can get stories that resonates with everyone.

☆ It’s gotten cold hasn’t it?
What Korean food do you eat to keep your body warm.

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☆ Taemin-kun, how long does it take for you to remember one dance?
1 - 2 days.

☆ For women’s clothing, how does it feel when you wear a skirt?
It’s inconvenient

☆ Is there something that you always bear in mind and couldn’t give up?
My position as Maknae (youngest child)

☆ If Taemin-san were to buy a dog, what name would you give it?
(I’ll give that name to our dog)
Johnny (after the character he did the voice-over for in Koala Kid)

☆ If (you) realllllly shouldn’t sleep, what to do if (you’re) dozing off?
Pinch the thighs.

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☆ Of your seniors, who do you want to become?
All of the SM artists, members too.

☆ Minho-san who hate losing, what do you think of a girl that hates to lose the same way?
I don’t think it’s bad.

☆ Minho has great reflexes, but, is there any new sport you want to try?
Golf, tennis, I’ve always thought these were really interesting when I watched them broadcast on TV. I had a golf lesson once, but, I want to master it.

☆ You have a lot of foreign activities but, what’s your favorite thing you bought abroad recently?
A watch.

☆ Which character do you like in SLAM dunk?
Jon Teman (Mitsui Hisashi)

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