Sunday, January 8, 2012

Taemin's Diary from 'Son of the Sun' Part 1

 Check out Taemin's translated diary from 'Son of the Sun!' ^^

"I’m somehow not scared of high places. I don’t really have the fear.
I was so reckless back then. In my neighborhood, there were no trees that I’ve never climbed. Those trees were my playground.

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I used to ring people’s doorbell and escape from house to house several times, climb the pipe, and play hide-and-seek in the apartment basement.

Even though apartment’s ground and top building are separated, the basement are all connected! Isn’t that amazing? Haha. It was really amazing in my eyes when I was a child. The security ahjusshi always tried to chase us after we finished playing hide-and-seek! However, we didn’t feel intimidated(scared) at all, my friends and I were known as mischievous boys around our neighborhood.

“Security ahjusshi, “even though it’s late (to chase) I’m sorry! “
Really, come to think of it, during sport’s day running race, I also have ever won 1st place when i injured my arms. I didn’t care about my injured arm, i just ran as fast as i could.

Really mischievous.

It’s amazing yet funny. Even I’m already becoming 20, i actually still have those kinds of my mischievous feelings on my adult life.
When people called me “Taemin-ah!” with startled expression, I was crossing a single road bridge. I just realized that i can’t swim while plunging my self to the sea.

Oh! I like large/spacious/wide places, pilot was my dream during my childhood. By becoming a pilot, I can fly to the top of the earth, that’s my dream.

But in fact, I couldn’t swim, so the biggest incident of this trip was plunging myself to the sea.
“that’s right! I just learned swimming on the ocean in Barcelona!”

Hihi, I’ve never learned how to swim since the beginning, but weirdly, I didn’t feel scared at all while jumping to the sea.

Ah, my other personality is that I’m not really possessive(?)
It’s hard to remember the things I lost, and I also don’t really pay attention to it. I just immediately buy it again when it comes to the things I need, if not, I don’t have to buy it again. So I don’t blame anyone when I lose something. I also don't feel sad for so long about it.

But the only lost thing I still feel sad about is ipod. Ipod that I’ve bought several years ago was now lost, it’s now the only thing that’s on my “to find” list. The ipod that has more than 1000 songs is now lost. I still feel regretful.

I feel regretful because of the content in the ipod which are songs i only listen, Rather than because of the ipod itself.

Really, precious things can’t be seen, isn’t that really like that?

In my only thought, Sites Beach is the right place to relax. Compared to Barcelona(the city), it’s more quiet and relaxed, spending the day on that ocean in the shining sunlight. It’s a very hesitate moment when we took off our shoes and getting in to the water. It felt like we took a time machine and wanting to go back to our childhood years and we didn’t care of our clothes getting wet after diving into the water and playing around.

After getting out from the water, we made castle in the sandfield, and wrote our name. That’s the dazzling time we can’t grab by our hands, it’s just the time we’re tended to remember for a long time.

But, if i tend to admit in honesty, there’s the thing that I also feel scared of.
It can be grabbed, but can’t be seen, it is a really really new challenge, indeed!
And the other one is, bees. It’s the 2nd thing I feel scared of the most in the world!"

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