Thursday, April 5, 2012

SHINee official me2day update

SHINee posted an official me2day update that talked about their recent contest that was held on Check it out below! ^^

낼 채팅참여 2차당첨자! 태미니,/syb0609/,/khy1010235/,/bikil02/,/dhkdthatkxkd/,
/audgml296/,/gktnals5860/,/hart0404/,/charmvee/,/fyqah/ 모두 축하드려요~^^
당첨되지 못한 분 1,000명까지 선착순 구경모드 입장알죠? 그럼 모두 내일 만나요!
채팅 시간은 내일 오전중에 공지해 드립니다! 채팅은 미투데이앱을 통해서만 가능합니다~!


The 2nd group who'll participate in tomorrow's chat!
/gktnals5860/,/hart0404/,/charmvee/,/fyqah/ Congratulations to you all~^^
For those who were not chosen, you know that the first 1,000 people
will be able to spectate the chatroom, right? Then let's all meet tomorrow!
I'll reveal the chatting time tomorrow! Chatting can only be done through the me2day app~!

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