Sunday, December 25, 2011

Onew's me2day update

On December 25th Onew shared the photo above and said,

"즐거운 크리스마스 보내셨어요 ^^? 저희도 공연하면서 다시한번 뜻깊은 크리스마스를 보냈습니다. 여러분도 바로 옆에계신 가족 친구분들과 즐거우시리라 믿습니다~^^ 올해의 끝자락이에요. 다시 한번 밝은 새해를 기대하며 모두 활기찬하루하루 되세요!~^^ 온유올림"


Did you celebrate a enjoyable Christmas ^^? We will be celebrating our Christmas in a meaningful performance . I believe everyone will be happy when family and friends are around celebrating happily ~^^ This year is coming to an end.Will be looking forward to another bright new year, wish that everyone could spend your time happily and energeticly every! ~^^

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