Submitting to Fan Art Page

Want your fanart of SHINee on our page? Then follow these few simple instructions and rules and your artwork could be up on our blog in no time!


There are a few rules you will need to follow when sending in your artwork. These are listed below. Please read the rules before continuing.

1. Make sure your artwork is your own!! DO NOT submit artwork that dose not belong to you. This is called ART THEFT and WILL NOT be tolerated. If you commit art theft you will not be able to submit any more artwork ever. 
2. Please make sure your artwork is for all ages to view. Innapropriate pictures will NOT be posted.
3. No cussing in artwork. Again, we want to keep ShawolsUnite a place for all ages. Please do not use swearwords in your artwork.

How to Submit Artwork

1. You will submit all artwork to the e-mail below: 
2. Please title the subject of your e-mail- FANART
3. Before sending please give a brief description of artwork.
4. Please let us know your first name so we can credit you when posting your photo. 

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